SERIOUSLY!?! Waco hasn't seen a shoot out like that since..... well lets not get into that.......
Bottom line, preseason polls don't tell us anything and TCU over looked the Bears from Baylor and got shamed on national TV. Unless they can pull a Va Tech and win the next 10 straight, its going to be a fun time at the Weed Eater Bowl!.
TCU! Welcome to another season of irrelevance.
I am 0ff to The Hilton Head for the day. Some of my friends decided to get married, and they decided openning day of college football to do so would be a good idea. Seriously what assholes. As my friends start to get married (and in some cases divorced) I choose my wedding gift on when they get hitched. Free weekend in the summer: Wine. Really cool location: something on their registry. Same day and time as SCar's first football game: you are gets a card that I farted on.
I understand that you are in love, but seriously that doesn't give you a license to be an asshole and schedule poorly.
Friendly reminder: 50% of marriages end in divorce and the others end in death...... good luck you crazy kids.......
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