Boy I sure wish I was a college football player. I keep hearing about how poor these kids are. And how 'Oh my goodness these kids deserve to be paid. They can barely get buy!! They come from nothing!! OH THE HUMANITY WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!!!' (The people that make this argument choose to ignore the fact that Kellen Winslow, son of NFL Hall of Famer Kellen Winslow is one of these kids who "come from nothing"...but I digress). Now I used to think, 'Well wait, they are getting paid! They're getting a free education, I mean knowledge is power right?" This is commonly referred to as the "Crotchety Old Man" opinion. Then I realized that I'm not sure how much these degrees are actually helping these kids. I mean, I didn't major in rocket surgery, but I'd like to think my degree goes only slightly further than the following typical football majors: University Studies, General Studies, African-American Studies, and Arts and Letters. That doesn't even include the players (please stop referring to them as scholar-athletes...just obnoxious) who are Juniors and Seniors whose listed major is Undecided. Really?? Couldn't quite nail down a major before your last semester of school? Ok, fair enough. Then I switched to the opinion, well maybe they should pay them while they're there. They need money to go on a date afterall. Do laundry! That's what typical college kids do right?? Welllllll then Jordan Jefferson has 49 (49!!!) pairs of shoes removed from his apartment by the police. Really? 49 freakin pairs of shoes? I don't know that I've owned 49 pairs of shoes in the last 15 years. And this "poor innocent football player" has 49 now?? For those of you who have made it through my entirely too long blog post, you get to read my solution. Create a trust fund for each player and make contributions while they are enrolled, but they can't access until they are done playing. NCAA mandated amounts can go in there (to keep it somewhat even playing field) for things like jersey sales, video game likenesess, playing time, dressing for games, awards, etc. That way Andrew Luck's trust fund is worth more than sayyy this guy.
63 sports...out
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